My Story
Hi, I'm Michelle! My journey has taken me from dental hygiene to web development and I have developed a passion for building accessible and responsive applications. I have unearthed my creative side and I'm thrilled to be part of an industry where I can also put my problem-solving and communication skills to good use. I'm currently looking to be part of a collaborative team where I can further develop my skills, so please have a look at some of my projects and feel free to reach out if you'd like to get to know me better.{/*When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing computer games, reading fantasy novels, and singing karaoke.*/}
My Skills
- H.T.M.L. 5
- C.S.S. 3
- Sass
- JavaScript
- J. Query
- React
- Git Hub
- Git
- Firebase
- V.S. Code
- Responsive Design
- Accessibility
My Projects
What Do You No?
A group React project where users can play a game comparing homophonous words and they must choose the word that correctly matches the definition to score a point. High scores are saved to the Leaderboard using Firebase. Created alongside my amazing colleagues: Aaron Rodigruez, Eric Richardson, and Nicole Brady
The Movie Tracker 🎬
A responsive React app that allows users to create a list of movies to watch by searching for movie titles using the TMDB API. The movie poster, title, and description are mounted to the page and the movie title is saved to Firebase.
Boat Ride Adventures
Multi-page PSD conversion made using a client brief and design files. Responsive across all devices.
If you would like to know more about me or any of my projects, feel free to send me comments or questions using the contact form! You may also email me directly or schedule a chat via any of the links below.